Friday, July 10, 2009

A busy day during which I accomplished very little...

So, I had psyched myself up that today I was going to get lots of things done: doctor's visit, clean house, and most of all, get started on Abby's nursery.

Lets clarify that last one. The room that will be Abby's nursery currently holds a twin bed, book case, computer desk, my piano, a filing cabinet, and my ironing board. In the closet are all my Sunday dresses, my shoes, my sewing machine, and an assortment of purses, wrapping paper, etc. You get the picture. Before I can do anything, all this has to go, and today I was going to get a great start on it.

As they say, the best laid plans...

Here's what I actually got done:

Doctor's visit: everything was fine. My blood pressure was 102/65, which is freakishly low for some people but actually a tiny bit above my usual of 90/65! Baby's heart sounded good, and I've gained another 5lbs! Thank you, appetite!

Mild housework: I did sweep and mop the kitchen floor, dust, do a couple loads of laundry, and wash the dishes.

Next was Bella's nap time. This is when I can usually get the most done, and when I had intended to really go to town cleaning out Abbys room. Instead, Abby decided to suck all mommy's energy out of her, and I ended up having a nice nap on the couch instead!

After nap time I played outside with Bella for a few minutes, then mom came over and we all went out to eat, then stopped at the mall and Wally World.

We did manage to get the piano relocated. So technically I did start on the nursery. GO ME.

In an aside, let me just say that Bella is the best thing ever. She is jabbering every breath now, and can say pretty much whatever she wants. We have the silliest conversations you can imagine.

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