Friday, November 27, 2009

"All I can say is it's the holidays and we're all miserable!"

Yesterday we gathered at my Memmie Renfro's for our annual Thanksgiving Smorgasbord. My brother in law Dave fried two turkeys, which were absolutely delicious- Rachel injects them with some kind of Cajun marinade the night before and they are out of this world! In addition to that we had every side dish, casserole, fruit salad, etc. know to man. And ham. And five different desserts!

Needless to say we all ate until we were on the verge of a tryptophan-induced coma. I was so miserable, I had to move around some, so Kenneth and I took a walk around the neighborhood-a very chilly walk!

My cousin MaryBeth brought a gingerbread house kit, and she decorated it with Bella and Ashlyn. To be honest, I think Bella ate more icing than she put on the house, but they had a good time doing it.

As for this never-ending pregnancy of mine, well it's still going. I'm like the energizer bunny or something! I know my due date is still three days away, but I had convinced myself she would be a few days early! Yeah, right! Looks like I may be headed for another induced delivery. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just wanted to go into labor naturally this time and have it be more of a surprise when it happened.

I really shouldn't complain, I've had a really good pregnancy. I don't get sick, and I'm really not miserable even now- I'm just uncomfortable and impatient. I'm ready to meet her, and I'm sick of my maternity clothes!

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